AbortableTaskDecorator |
Task decorator to copy the MDC from the calling thread to the executing thread..
AbortableTaskRunnable |
Delegating Runnable that copies the MDC to the executing thread before running the delegate.
AsyncExecutorConfiguration |
Configuration class to set up asynchronous executors.
AsyncPropertiesLoader |
Helper class to actually load the async configuration properties from the configuration file.
AsyncUtil |
Utility class to wrap an asynchronous call and catch all errors.
DelegatingExecutor |
Task executor that delegates to the task executor configured for a task.
HawaiiAsyncRunnable |
This class will handle all administrative calls which need to be done for every call.
HawaiiAsyncUtil |
Void |
Class that represents a void method invocation result.
YamlJavaBeanPropertyConstructor |
Extended version of snakeyaml's Constructor class to facilitate mapping custom YAML
keys to JavaBean property names.